All ROUGH ONLINE can say is…just…wow! Voluspa blatantly wants to take you away from the reality of your world into her own fantasy world…but how does Brooklyn’s newest Indie Pop sensation, with a Trip-Hop edge, do this? Recently she presented the world with one of the most beautiful pieces of music Rough Online has heard since the magazine started, which Voluspa has entitled “Feel You,” and she uses so many captivatingly musical elements to deliver her art, but let me start off by saying that if the simple yet effective, piano chord structure and the song’s slow-tempo Hip-Hop influenced beat aren’t enough to put your mind at ease from the opening, then you must not have been paying attention to her serene sound and energy. It is almost close to listening to a surreal version of Sarah McLachlan’s 1997 song “I Love You” from the “Surfacing” era.
Voluspa’s voice is like a prayer...beautiful, subtle and calming, and before you know it you may have sub-consciously built your own Buddhist temple inside your house, purely from listening to Voluspa’s new song “Feel You.” If Lana Del Rey ever decided to take on a more angelic role as opposed to her usual dark persona sonically, it would probably sound a little something like this, as you listen to the deep and whispery tone of Voluspa’s singing which on this occasion has been effected with “breathy” reverb and EQ’d so that it sounds slightly distant, all together delivering an unforgettable, stunning vocal performance. All you need to do is listen to her music once to know she is in touch with the spiritual world, even before you find out that her new song is about Lilith’s farewell from the Garden Of Eden for independence and another secret lover Adam was not aware of. Voluspa has most definitely joined the new wave of Alternative, Dream Pop acts like Cigarettes After Sex. If you want to experience her music, give “Feel You” a listen to today.